A George III silver tureen, cover and stand, partial makers mark, London 1774, the cover with berried acanthus finial, the cover and side with swagged decoration in leaf capped legs with paw feet, the stand with gadrooned rim and leaf handles bears armorial and crests tureen 39.5cm across handles, stand 56cm x 33cm, 4590g
A George III silver tureen, cover and stand, partial makers mark, London 1774, the cover with berried acanthus finial, the cover and side with swagged decoration in leaf capped legs with paw feet, the stand with gadrooned rim and leaf handles bears armorial and crests tureen 39.5cm across handles, stand 56cm x 33cm, 4590g
Auction: Fine Art & Antiques including the Estcourt Portraits, 17th Oct, 2023